Creative: Illustrating To Kill A Mockingbird

As we have now specialised in our subjects at Foundation we have been set our first project to work on over the Christmas holiday. The brief we have been given is to illustrate a chapter of a book we had to choose from a given list. I had never read any of the books on the list we were given so I got straight to it and bought myself a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird. To my surprise it is actually a fantastic book and I'm really excited to illustrate a chapter.

So far in my sketchbook I have just looked at using a few different basic media such as watercolours, fine liners, pencils etc but I plan to compose my final illustrations with Photoshop, probably using scanned in pieces or things I have drawn with my digital tablet. This project and its' outcomes are really important for me because I have university interviews after Christmas and everything I work on until then will feature in my portfolio. Exciting!
I will continue to update my blog with my current artwork in the near future.

Friday 13 December 2013

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