Creative: Smoking doesn't just affect your lungs campaign

A recent advertising brief we were given required us to create a new and different "Stop Smoking" campaign including posters, leaflets and other informative yet creative publications. Being the only person on Foundation to actually have applied for an Advertising BA course I felt under more pressure to get these pieces into my portfolio to take to interview.

I wanted to avoid the popular gory photographic take that uses cancerous organs and blocked arteries to persuade. I also wanted to avoid the other popular tactic of playing on second hand smoke and children as weapons.

After researching and sketching I decided to go with the idea that smoking doesn't just affect your lungs. I started to use those words to create pictures, experimented with silhouettes, colours and fonts. I'm pleased to say that my final outcomes for this project are among my favourites from Foundation so far.


In the printed versions of the leaflets below I used a scalpel and carefully cut away the white shapes (like the bone) so that the white text is partially visible through the cut-out. I think this is effective and makes the design of both the poster and leaflet seem more consistent with one another. 

I think my poster designs could be applied by being displayed in doctors surgeries and pharmacies, and also in places like bus stops, in public shopping malls, smoking shelters and on public transport. I think the leaflet designs could also be distributed from doctor's surgeries and pharmacies but also via organisations such as Info-Nation and displayed on websites such as

Sunday 2 March 2014

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